Packaging Design: We Do Judge A Book By It’s Cover!
"Miss Piggy" candy wrapper collage by Laura Benjamin
Packaging is one of the most influential forms of communication with consumers. It provides a first hand experience for individuals and it’s history is a long and fascinating one. From Mesopotamian clay tablets, the flat-bed printing press, to digital printing and now 3d printers, packaging has continued to evolve but remains a vital aspect of a product's success.
How often have you bought a product just because of it’s label?
Statistically, high selling products not only have functional containers but are presented in packaging that is both original and attractive. In a time where the market has increasingly similar products, packaging becomes one of the best weapons in product differentiation and a leading factor in a consumer’s purchase decisions.
Packaging should always be a careful integration between marketing strategy and design smarts. To be most effective keep these rules in mind:
Keep it simple
Communicate a product’s characteristics at a glance (don’t make the consumer work too hard!)
Be printed correctly (attention to detail!)
Show attractive images of the product
In the case of redesigns, maintain visual ties with its predecessor so that consumers will still recognize it!
Packaging Design Meets Candy!
Today, Americans consume more than 600 billion pounds of the sugary stuff each year. From classics such as the Hershey bar and M&Ms to trend-setters like PEZ and Fireballs, walking the candy isle is always a bright experience! Unless you're into corporate straight lines, designing in this industry is especially fun given the audience, flavors and emotional appeal.
But like all design there is the great… and there is not so great. The silver lining? There is always something to learn from those, “what were you thinking?!” moments.
Awesome Candy Design:
'Nerd's' designed by Stephanie Toole & 'SugarPova' designed by Red Antler
Scary Candy Design:
Inspiration: Candy Wrapper Collections! Looking back at the history of candy wrappers can serve as a great graphic resource to review major trends from different eras.
Check out one man’s candy wrapper blog: Here he shares a collection of over 751 different wrappers he’s held onto since he was a boy!
Still can’t get enough?! Grab a snickers and Indulge in this colorful book; “Classic Candy: America's Favorite Sweets, 1950-80” by Darlene Lacey.